Virtual - November 28 2023 - 5:00-7:30 PST
As those most affected by inequity and injustice, we pause and examine our decision making in relation to the matter of survival. Let us find ALL the ways to trust our decision making abilities based on a goal of liberation, no matter how difficult. We call upon intuition, community, and the absolute and unyielding power of love. It's time we consciously move from trauma to healing to liberation, and that requires trust of self. Those who we trust become trustworthy (adrianne marie brown), so why not begin where you stand. We trust you to make the right decision. Didn't that sound so nice? Join us, so we can tell you ourselves.
BIPOC Folks, Trans Folks, and Those with Disabilities: Always Free
Reparations and Contributions accepted
Closed Captioning is a new default. All needs for accommodations shall be met with diligence and care.
Please email your needs to [email protected] or include with your registration.
Looking forward to starting this journey with you!